Marco La Rosa

Alecs Masucol
Written by: Sotheby Paglinawan
With: James Uy, Sophia Inocencio
Our Business
Birds of Paradise is a plant selling and gardening business. We started in October of 2014. Our plants our locally grown by our beneficiary Felomena Verano and her family. We have a wide array of plants from cacti to calaypa. So many choices to add a splash of color to your office desk or home!
Our Beneficiary
Felomena Verano, aged 58 and born on November 22, 1958. Her skills are gardening and she is married.
CEO: Marco LaRosa
Vice-CEO: Alecs Masucol
Marketing leader: Erin Garcia
Member/s: Jose Roble, Bianca Bravo and Gabby Lagon
Finance leader: Kaira Serafina
Member/s: Mica Baguio
Training Skills and Development leader: Norgene Potenciano
Member/s: Karll Ang
Research and Development leader: Randolph Bermejo
Member/s: Sean Yap
Product- Plants
Cactus, our best seller that does not need much water but needs a lot of sunlight.
Centipede cactus, a very unique looking plant that is in a shape of a centipede. Also does not need much water but again, needs a lot of sunlight.
Aloe Vera, a beautiful looking plant that has herbal uses as well. Just break a piece off of its leaves and the oil can be used to treat many things.
Kalabu, this plant, like aloe vera, also has herbal uses. Just boil its leaves and inhale the steam released from it and your cough will be cured.
Bougainvillea, a plant that will sprout beautiful looking flowers of many colors such as orange, white and pink, pink and more.